Week 18: the one with the golden glow!
Ghost Ranch > Taos > Carson National Forest, New Mexico
Hi, hello! Thanks for joining me for this week’s update!
I’m writing this to you from our camp spot in Carson National Forest, New Mexico — just look at this glorious view:
The aspens are glowing in the light as I type this, and I hear a raven calling off in the distance. I’m feeling so lucky and grateful to be here.
I have a big announcement to share that I’ve been keeping under wraps for a while now…
Upcoming Artist Residency at Capulin Volcano National Monument

I’m honored and excited to be selected as one of two artist in residents at Capulin Volcano National Monument, New Mexico! I start my residency October 7th — that’s tomorrow!
Join me!
I’ll be doing a live watercolor demo on October 12th at the Visitor Center from 10-noon, and teaching Nature Journaling workshops October 19th and 26th.
If you’re in the area I’d love it if you joined me. More details to come!
I’ll post in the visitor center where I will be sketching day-to-day and you’re welcome to drop by and say hi then, too!
What a dream come true!
Ghost Ranch, Abiquiú, New Mexico
We stayed at Ghost Ranch for almost a week — see last week’s update for the first part of our stay in this special place. This was the view from our camp spot, and I never tired of watching the ever changing sky and the light play on the ridges.
New Mexico High Desert Palette
Last week so many of you asked about the palette that I used for Sean Hudson’s High Desert Watercolor class that I took at Ghost Ranch — so here you are! They’re based on the colors Sean recommended for class plus some favorites that I love to use at Big Bend National Park.
DS = Daniel Smith, H = Holbein, WN = Winsor & Newton, LS = Letter Sparrow, and * indicates an opaque color
As you might guess I’m not really tied to one brand LOL! I do have to say that the Letter Sparrow potter’s pink is hands down the best one I ever used.
Top row: DS Chinese white*, DS nickel azo yellow, H Yellow ochre*
Middle row: WN permanent rose, LS potter’s pink*, DS Venetian red*
Third row: DS chromium green oxide*, H peacock (an interesting mix of phthalo blue and phthalo green) that I love for desert skies, WN French ultramarine*
Last two: DS indanthrone blue, bloodstone genuine* (mainly because I had it sitting around unused, but it turned out to be a great choice)
I missed having my beloved WN cobalt turquoise light and DS azo yellow, but other than that it was a great limited palette — and the potter’s pink and Venetian red were amazing for the rocks at the ranch!
Hiking at Ghost Ranch
This week we finally had a chance to go hiking, yah! We did two hikes there and I highly recommend both!
Hike #1: Chimney Trail
First up, the Chimney Trail! The Chimneys are a prominent feature at Ghost Ranch I just had to do this hike!
The hike winds its way up to the top of the mesa to the right of the chimneys. It’s a pretty hot hike, so be sure to take plenty of water and wear a hat.
Here’s one of the many incredible views from the top of the mesa, looking down on the Chimney’s! I love how Cerro Pedernal is peeking up behind them!
There are great views of Lake Abiquiú and the red rocks, too.
As we turned to head back a ray of light hit the Pedernal — so cool!
We were tired but happy hikers after we got back to camp!
Hike #2: Box Canyon
The next day we hiked the Box Canyon. The trail starts off going past these amazing rocks…
Soon the trail started following a mountain stream up to the canyon. I love hiking to the sound of water — it’s just so peaceful and relaxing.
We had to cross the stream so many times we lost count, but we didn’t mind at all.
It was just so unbelievably beautiful.

I got super excited when a monarch swooped over my head — our first one since leaving Austin! We didn’t know they were out this way and wondered if she was off track. Gonna have to do more research.
J spotted a tarantula, which we later learned from iNaturalist was a Grand Canyon Black Tarantula. So cool!
I had to take a gazillion photos of him before I got one that came out — that guy was FAST!
All too soon it was time to hike back to camp.
What a great day!
Carson National Forest
On Thursday we left Ghost Ranch and headed to Taos to get groceries, then it was on to Carson National Forest, where we’re dispersed camping at around 10,000 feet in elevation.
We hit the aspens just right and couldn’t stop taking photos!
I can’t get enough of this golden glow!
Of course I just HAD to add a leaf sketch to my perpetual journal!
Find more of my leaf studies here in my portfolio.
I’ve learned so much about watercolors just by sketching leaves — it’s one of my favorite things to do! Last year I even got to do a live demo with Maria from Art Toolkit — you can check out the recording here on You Tube.
I was so glad to have my kit with me to do a quick sketch while we were out hiking:
Check out a video of my sketch spot here on Instagram — what a special place. We both soaked in all the aspen magic — and hope these photos sent a little bit of golden glow your way.
Can’t wait to share scenes from my residency at Capulin Volcano National Monument next week — until then, happy fall, y’all! — Lisa & Jason
I am loving New Mexico! I had no idea that there are so many lush and verdant areas. Suddenly, i am finding so many artists whose beautiful work is done in NM … seems like a sort of mecca for watercolourists. How exciting for you to have been chosen for another AIR opportunity. Just wish i could attend your workshops, but ME to NM is a bridge too far. I do have a question about your Sean Hudson palette (thank you for sharing those glorious colours!) : WN doesn't have a watercolour called "Quin Rose." Did you use WN Permanent Rose (PV19)? Or WN Quin Magenta (PR122)? Or WN Opera Rose (PR122)? Or something else entirely? Thank you, Lisa, and happy trails.
Such beautiful views. Love following along on your adventures.