"Out of this world" is right! What glorious sights you had in a week! Wow! Enjoy your residency!

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Thanks, Virginia! I don't know how I'm going to top this week!

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Your Aurora photographs are magnificent! Who makes those paints?!? I need the palette, for sure. Actually, i'm wondering what camera you've been using for your van travels. I meant to ask earlier, because i fell in love with Valles Caldera through your photos and art work, and you just sealed my budding love affair with the American Southwest with your AB photos. If you'd be willing to share equipment details, i'd love to know about your camera and, possibly, lenses. Thanks so much, as ever. -k.

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Hi Karen! I just use my iPhone to take photos -- I used to have an SLR but I donated it to a nonprofit when we sold our house -- there wasn't room for it in the van, darn!

I looked up how to take better night sky photos and found this article from Apple to be really handy -- I plan to use this technique to take photos of the Milky Way, too:


As for paints, I use a mix of Daniel Smith, Winsor and Newton and Holbein, plus some special colors from Letter Sparrow. I should do another palette post soon!

Thanks so much on the art + photos from Valles Caldera -- it's such a special place!

Hope that helps and just let me know if you have any more questions!

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Just in general, Lisa, i don't take photos like yours with my iPhone - you have a real gift, i think. As for paints, i was just kidding about an Aurora Borealis palette based on your awesome deep magenta photos. I know who made those colours … our Cosmic Contact, however we may define that. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions and forward research results. All the best, -k.

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Ah ha, I got it now! Thanks on the photos!

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What a magical week you had Lisa. Thanks so much for sharing the photos and your infectious enthusiasm with us. You have a remarkable gift of finding the awe in all things you encounter, be it the spectacular aurora, a shed leaf, the sound of prairie grasses. I’m sure visitors to Capulin leave more attuned to Nature after meeting you and seeing the place through your artist eyes.

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