Hi Lisa, The Sandhill Cranes will soon start arriving at Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. That might be a nice New Mexico venue for you.

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Thanks, Mary!! We saw some sandhill cranes overhead one afternoon— live seeing them!

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Your photographs are beautiful! Oliver Lee State Park by White Sands is wonderful place to stay with great views. Happy travels.

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Thanks, Sabrina! It looks beautiful!

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The sunsets are amazing. I head to northern Minnesota next week so hoping for a few good sunset photos over Lake Superior! Time to try painting landscapes - any hints are helpful!

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Wonderful. Gorgeous. Enjoyed this so much.

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Thanks so much for sharing! It looks like you had a wonderful time at Capulin Volcano National Monument!

I will keep recommending Chaco Culture National Historical Park, especially when you ask for recommendations. It's definitely a different kind of place because of the impact of the amazing ancestral Pueblo people, but I know that you would enjoy all of the fabulous details of the area.

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Wonderful photos, Lisa! It's "almost" like being there😍!

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