Aug 9Liked by Lisa Spangler

Hi Lisa, I registered for your Valles Caldera workshop and have not heard if I and my husband were accepted. I hope it's a "yes" and I will be able to meet you before we leave for our California home 😊! (I also sent a message to the organizer)

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Hi Edith! I checked with the ranger this morning and they have your registration -- you're in! Can't wait to meet you! -- Lisa

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We are so happy! Thanks for checking❣️🙏🏻

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Jul 14Liked by Lisa Spangler

You may have talked about this but how do you decide where you are headed next? Do you have a '"schedule" of where you are going? Love that you have little workshops set up as you travel. I guess that made me wonder if this is what leads where you go next.

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Hi Joanne! Awesome questions -- I'll have to put them in the update! Mostly we decide based on weather -- we've been trying to stick to higher elevations to escape the heat lately!

And yay for the workshops -- I can't wait! They're always so much fun!

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Jul 14Liked by Lisa Spangler

Thanks for sharing! Looks like quite the unintended adventure trying to get groceries (and move camp)!

When people ask where you are from maybe ask if they want a long story or a quick answer. The quick answer would be that the van is now your home for the foreseeable future. The long story would probably include growing up in Ohio, moving to Austin, and then creating your van and selling your house to live the life of a gypsy! ;-)

I hope all of your advantures this week put a smile on your face! Thanks so much for taking such good care of our wild places and encouraging thoughtfulness when exploring!

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That's a great idea to ask if they want the long story or the short and sweet version! Didn't think of that!

And thanks -- hoping this week goes well! Jason is fixing the rearview mirror camera as I type this! Crossing my fingers it works out!

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Thanks so much for writing your blog. I’m a budding nature sketcher and I find your blog wonderfully inspiring. Keep up the good work. Kathleen

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My response to "where are you from? "depends on the questioner. Usually, I will respond with the last place. "I just came from… "

If it's someone I want a more long-term relationship with, I will list where I grew up, spent most time, all the places I call home, etc. It can be a very long conversation-- but I only if I let it get long, if I'm interested in them, and they are actually interested in me. Curious how you further approach this!

I would love to hear more about your artist residency, how to find them, what it's like, etc.! Enjoy :-)

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I'd say go with Ohio via Texas, or no fixed abode/nomad

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