I so love this travel journal. Makes me want to load up our horses, pack my bags, sell my house and head out too! Your work also inspires me to try new things and just get out there. Yes, when the sun is shining, I need to be doing something too!

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Awww thanks so much, Lisa! And yes -- when the sun is shining I feel guilty not doing anything outside!

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This is becoming something I look forward to reading each week. So inspiring!

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Thank you so much! You made my day! Glad to have you along for the journey.

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Wonderful posts that reminded me of when I visited that area. I so admire your van life. I’d do that in a minute if I could convince my husband. I’ll have him read this post with its lovely photos!! I like the waffle idea. Will try it.

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Thanks so much Suzanne! Hope your husband can be convinced to try it! Maybe you can rent a van for a weekend! Let me know if you try the waffles -- they're so good!

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Hi - So happy you got to Santa Fe and Annapurna's!

I love reading about your adventures and I never knew of that art store in Santa Fe so now I'll have to check it out next time we're there.

Sure wish we could've met you and your husband there in SF.

I like the Target plain Tee's too but nowadays I find some really good things at thrift shops. I have found some nice Tee's at Old Navy but that was a few years ago.

Thank you for sharing your travels and art adventures. - I love reading them!! Take care and Enjoy! ~Catrina from Crestone - come visit some time : )

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Hi Catrina! Oh yes -- you gotta check out Artisan! They're near Annapurna's, too!

Love finding tees at thrift shops but it's kind of hit or miss -- wanted something I could grab and go. I didn't think of checking Old Navy -- good idea!!

And yes to meeting up sometime! That would be so fun!

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Thanks Lisa - I will make sure to check out the art store! Safe Travels!

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Hello …… Funny you should ask about T-shirts. I just had a hankerin’ for a white T-shirt myself. I found two at Pennys which may be a store you can find in your travels. One was 7.99 but the better quality one was about 12. Good luck. Keep up you blog. I love it. I’m a person with wanderlust, a hiker, adventurer and learning watercolor and I find your blog very exciting. Going right into the studio to work on my trees.

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Thanks for the tip— didn’t think about good old Pennys! And thanks for following along — good luck with the trees! 🌲🌲🌲

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Love reading your weekly summary. So good to travel vicariously with you

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Hi 👋 Jean!! So good to have you along on our adventures! ❤️

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I love your posts, Lisa! So fun. Abiquiu, NM and Chama River are so beautiful. Not to be missed IMO.

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And yes, Abiquiu is on our list for sure! Looking into the Chama River now, thanks for the tip!

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Thanks so much, Mary! I'm kinda hoping we slow down and stop having so much fun -- these posts are taking a long time to write! LOL!

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