Bandedlier is gorgeous!

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I can't wait! We were there are 6 years ago but we didn't have time to hike, we just walked around a little and had lunch. Really looking forward to it!

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We missed it when we were in the area because my hubby and I both got a nasty stomach bug the night before we were heading there, so we had to push through to Los Alamos to convalesce instead of visiting Bandelier.

I can't wait to see your pictures and hear about your time there!

P.S. we loved Chaco, if you're able to go there at some point we thought it was an absolute gem.

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Thanks for the tip on Chaco -- I'd forgotten about that! We're going hiking in Bandelier today -- can't wait!

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I'm so enjoying your posts, Lisa - what beautiful territory! / Would you be willing to list the 9 colors (+ brand) in the palette you show in your Lunar Black + Graphite trees photo? I love your grey tree sketches, and that palette of paints looks great to work with. Thank you so much, and Happy Trails!

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Hi Karen! Thanks for asking about the colors! Here they are: hansa yellow medium, quinacridone magenta (Winsor & Newton, it's quin lilac in Daniel Smith), phthalo blue (green shade), chromium green oxide, colbalt turquoise light (also WN), organic vermillion and transparent red oxide. I'll update the post too!

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As ever, you are so kind to share info about your supplies. Mountains of thanks! I'm also going to try your Graphite + Lunar Black on beige paper, which is (to my eye anyway) inspired. All the best … onward to AdVANture Post #10 !

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